Welcome to Zamber Company Medical Tourism.


ZAMBER is a Health, Medical & Wellness Tourism Company operating and servicing to various Tourists / Patients from Iraq and Kurdistan Region for their regular & routine Health check-up, Medical / Surgical & Ayurvedic treatments. We are dedicated to provide you better and affordable service. Medical Tourism is our passion and not just business. We believe more in delivering than just promising. With rich expertise and experience in medical tourism market, we understand the requirement of the customer and provide the quality and professional service. We have a team of dedicated medical personnel who personally attend to all your querie
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Feel Like Home With Best Medical Care


International Patient Safety Goals

  • Identify patients correctly.
  • Improve effective communication.
  • Improve the safety of high-alert medications.
  • Ensure safe Treatment.
  • Reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections.
  • Reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from falls.

our core value

The Wide Network of Best Healthcare

  • Transparency
  • Partnership and Integration
  • Justice
  • Quality and Excellence
  • Efficiency
  • Professionalism
  • Financial Protection

sight seeing touring

All's well that ends well

There is nothing better than completing a journey on a high note. Traveling to a different country for medical treament comes with uncertainty, anxiety, stress and expenditure - after all that, you surely deserve to pamper yourself a bit. Sightseeing and touring at the end of your medical journey is the perfect solution.
Moreover, these trips also tend to play a major part in recovery. From snow- capped mountains, deserts, sea beaches, jungles, spas and rsorts we have everything to offer. It just requires you to plan your tour well in advance. We have tie ups with leading travel operators. If you wish, we can plan a perfect holiday package for you that fit your choice and budget which we believe will make this a happy medical journey for you indeed.

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