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Second Opinion

We offer our clients a consultation in the form of a Second Opinion which helps patients to avoid costly and potentially harmful treatments.

Why You Should Consider a Second Medical Opinion?

When you’re facing a new medical diagnosis, it’s common to feel confused. Making decisions can be very difficult as you navigate the healthcare system, especially when you need to choose between several treatment options. How do you know you have been diagnosed correctly or are making the right treatment choices? It makes sense to get a second opinion when you face a medical condition that is life-changing or even life-threatening.

A second opinion can help you:

-Become a more educated healthcare consumer – By seeking a second opinion, you again more knowledge of your condition and your options. You are more equipped to make informed decisions that can have long-term consequences.

-Confirm that your diagnosis is appropriate – Have all of the appropriate studies and test been completed and interpreted properly? Are there other diagnoses that should be considered?

-Confirm that the recommended treatment is appropriate – Is the treatment plan correct? Is it providing the desired results? Is the treatment plan complete? Have all of the treatment alternatives been discussed?

-Compare outcomes of the treatments you are offered – By obtaining a second opinion, you help ensure that you have been diagnosed appropriately and that you will receive the most appropriate and optimal treatment plan. A second opinion may recommend treatments that may eliminate the need for unnecessary invasive procedures or surgery. Through which you can make the best decisions for your health.